Android Apps

From Idea to the Google Play Store – How to Get Your App to Market

App development is an exceptionally competitive field, and you need to be innovative and fast if you’re to succeed in it. Since there’s an app for pretty much everything nowadays, you need to find ways to attract your target market, develop an app that meets their needs, and bring it to market in record time.

Publishing an app is an arduous process that can take months from start to finish, and you likely need all the help and tools you can get. Container registry by JFrog can help you optimize key processes. Project management tools can help you stay on top of all development teams, and collaboration tools can help you stay connected to all relevant departments.

All these will help you accelerate app release and ensure that you start turning a profit as quickly as possible. And if you want to see your app on the Google Play store even faster, take a look at the following tips which will help you speed up the process..

Perform Thorough Market Research

Before bringing a new product to market, you need to see what the market conditions are. Do your competitors already have a similar app? Can you improve it and provide something fresh? If you’re developing something brand new, how will you attract the target market?

Thorough market research is a necessity for any type of business endeavor, whether you’re developing new tech or starting a pool cleaning company. And it’s of the utmost importance in app development.

Google Play store has over 2.56 million different apps and games available for download. There are photo editing apps, moving apps, calorie counters, budgeting apps, everything you can think of and than some. To know what you can do to make your app stand out, you need to know exactly who your competitors are and what your target market is looking for.

Optimize Key Processes

App development requires a lot of back and forth between the development teams, testing, tweaking, and revisiting. All that increases the chance of fatal human error that could postpone the app release date indefinitely.

Instead of doing everything manually and wasting precious time, you should optimize key processes and rely on standardization and automation.

That’s exactly what content registry tools and JFrog were made for. These DevOps tools enable you to standardize critical processes and achieve greater consistency through your app development. You’ll be able to automate your app development pipeline, make tweaks and changes without any risks, and accelerate your app delivery.

Focus on Developing a Minimum Viable Product

When developing digital products, it’s easy to get distracted by all the bells and whistles that you can include. After all, everyone’s always looking for some interesting app feature that never existed before, and everyone wants to get their hands on some brand new tech. But while new features are often welcomed, they’re not necessary when you’re just entering the market.

First and foremost, you need to develop a minimum viable product. In short, you shouldn’t wait until you’ve developed a feature-packed app to release it. Develop a fully functional minimum viable product, enter the market with it, then upgrade and update as you gather user feedback.

Create Project Milestones

It’s always in your best interest to have a clear course of action when developing an Android app. Creating milestones and keeping track of all the important checkpoints will help the entire development team stay on the same page.

Milestones and checkpoints will also help you identify project priorities and track the project’s progress.

Project management tools can be of immense help in this area as they’ll give you a clear insight into how your app is evolving.

Generate Excitement Before the Release

If you wait until you’ve released your app to start marketing and generating excitement among your target audience, it’s already too late. To ensure a successful launch day and impressive download numbers, you need to excite your potential customers in advance.

Make use of social media, offer sneak peeks, publish a few well-planned screenshots at least a few weeks before the release date. Get your audience engaged and start building relationships with them early on to ensure your new app is a success.

Create Social Proof

We all tend to copy the behaviors of others in one way or another. Sometimes that’s exemplified through the way we dress, the hobbies we enjoy, the foods we eat. Other times, it’s exemplified through the businesses we connect with.

So, when your audience sees that others are using and enjoying your app, they’ll want to copy that behavior. This phenomenon is called social proof and is a subconscious go-to move for most shoppers.

You can easily create social proof and improve interest in your app. All you need are positive reviews, ratings, and testimonials. So, as soon as you get a few good testimonials, make sure to publish and highlight them. Make them clearly visible on your website and on the Google Play store.

The Bottom Line

App development isn’t an easy task, and neither is app publishing. To accelerate them both, you need to streamline all processes, do thorough research, and focus on developing the minimum viable product before anything else. You can easily improve your app as your audience starts using it and providing you with their feedback.